Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Darth Needs a Makeover

Here are my favorites...

DSC_0056 DSC_0042

DSC_0043 DSC_0021

DSC_0019 DSC_0009

Oh my god... you have to give love to "Darth Fink!"

Be sure to go check out the rest here..

BBR pointed out that this photographer doesn't link back to the artists or the project website, so if you would rather have the WHOLE story... Here is the home of the project: The Vader Project They of course list all the artist and have many more pictures!

Sorry for the sloppy reporting in the first place my friends!


Bender Bending Rodriguez said...

Those are great! It would be nice if he would label the artist though. I think I recognized a couple in there. I believe one was by Tim Biskup.

Murdock Scott said...

What?! Why bother to give credit to the artist on the web lulz! Just google it if you want to know, you lazy *$%&! /sarcasm

The above is almost word for word a real argument made by someone when I made a similar comment about a quote someone took from a magazine story and posted on digg recently without attributing it to the author.

The world is changing in strange and unpleasant ways. Gotta fight hard to slow it down...

If you ever run across the official information about that exhibit I will post it here. I will see if I can hunt it down myself. You are absolutely right. Those artists need love.

Murdock Scott said...

Got the artist list:

I need to take this journalism thang more seriously all 14 of my readers are depending on me!