Friday, December 26, 2008

The Story Of Jamieson's Birth

I have not been updating my blog... something has been taking a huge amount of my time recently... Actually he is asleep on my chest right now and I am typing at a weird angle. its 3:56pm. This is about normal for the last 2.5 weeks.

So as late as this post is, I want to get it up for posterity.

A strange thing happened in the delivery room while both my son and wife were having problems... A nurse asked me if I had a camera and if I wanted to take pictures! Know she may have known that the worst part was over or perhaps she was just trying to distract the increasingly distraught and now mostly useless dad... I thought she was crazy at the time, It was only later that I realized that most dads take a couple of "snappy happy" shots of the birth weight and such.

I am glad I got more of the story than that...

Wire Mother Saves The Soft Pink


Carrie said...

Your photos have been fabulous. You are an amazing photographer.

Carrie said...


Hope you had a great holiday!

Murdock Scott said...

Thank you for saying so...

I aspire to have a unique way of seeing things and I hope that comes out in my photography.

I really want to get some images that capture the spirit of this time so that he can share in it when he is older.