Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Light Coming From The Window

I can see this light, shining through this glass bowl sitting on my countertop. The light is coming into the window, streaming down the hall, shining through the glass bowl and eventually finding its way to my eye.

That’s what light does. It shines through, it penetrates. We don’t always see the light penetrating the things around us, they seem opaque, they seem to obscure the light. But that’s only because the light is so slow and methodical and operating on different scale of time, it’s always shining always penetrating always flowing through even the darkest and most heavy of objects. Given enough time light would erode through everything like an explosion, an instant flash of destruction that takes forever. Light is an eruption, a ripping corruption of the solid.

The light coming through the window, streaming down the hall, shining through the glass bowl and eventually finding its way to my eye is killing me.

Silly Light, you are too slow... 

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