Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Adobe Survey Responce

Once again, a company has asked me to take a survey... and provided a comments section! When will they learn.

Dear Adobe people,
Perhaps you could make this part of a collection of benefits for people that actually PAY for your software. As someone who has owned Photoshop for a very long time I have to tell you I am a bit sick of competing against people that simply download it and make the claim that piracy is part of your business model. It is even suggested at times that the cost that I pay is adjusted to account for the lost revenue from piracy. I feel like after all this time Adobe treats me no better than someone who has never purchased it. The company seems indifferent to both extremes of user. The hoops I have had to jump through to install an upgrade on occasion have often make me feel no more trusted than a criminal.

Offering services like I imagine you may be planning here at reduced rates or perhaps even freely to long time owners of your products might go a long way to making people like me feel like we have not been made fools of for all these years for trying to be honest.   I often wonder if Adobe even knows who I am... or even cares. Considering how many people rip you guys off and how much simpler that is getting to do every day, maybe you should be doing everything in your power to build relationships with the people that have shown themselves to be loyal. Tying your products to online components that are NOT accessible to pirates or giving long time users access to online services seems to be one GREAT solution.   


Murdock Scott.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Well said. I wish I'd thought of that. I just told them that their fuzzy naming system was stupid.