Friends, It has finally come again, the time each 486 years that we take one week to fully honor Leslie for no reason other than that she is awesome.
The aztec had a name for Leslie, it was Quaxiquatiataltaxabelgle. Unfortunately the modern attempts at translation have only come up with something close to "have you seen my red feathers? I need them for my ass fan." But I am sure it has lost something over the millennia and once meant something far more grand... I mean they had a frigin NAME for her! They just don't do that for anyone... do they?
Anyway... I have collected some photographic evidence of Leslie's greatness...
Click here to visit Leslie Lee Appreciation Week photo set
Click here to view in Fancy Pants™ Slide show format
I will be adding more as the week goes on (not nessasarily every day mind you) so check back often! Also please leave links to any cool leslie photos you have posted... maybe we can start a group. hehe.
New images added today! Behold Renaissance Leslie!
Also we have a new content provider... squeezymoose! Since we have more than one person chiping in... as promised I have started the Leslie Lee Appreciation Week 08 Group where everyone can pool all the Leslie goodness.
Be sure to leave comments on the pictures when you stop by, share stories of Leslie inspired by the pictures! (hint: factuality is optional if you ask me.) Have fun with the festivities everyone! HAPPY LLAW08!
Yay, Coahuaqatleslieleexaqahalut!!! It's not just everyone that's cool enough to have their very own Appreciation Week. I shall see what photos I can unearth to add to the group...
Wow my flicker stats took a huge leap last night! I am glad to see so many people enjoying the celebration. You know it only happens once every 486 years, but really should do it more often. Why stick to some rule set up by some long gone ancient nomadic band of moss worshipers living amongst the Paleo-Siberian taiga hunter-gatherers?
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